Search Oaths
Every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of trust or profit under this Constitution, or any law made in pursuance thereof, shall, before entering on the duties thereof, take an oath to support the Constitution of this State, and of the United States, and an oath of office.
- Article X Section 1 of the Tennessee Constitution
Oaths for local office, such as city and county officials, are not filed with the Secretary of State. Please contact your local government for their records. Only recent Oaths of Office for state government positions have been scanned and uploaded. Older oaths may be available at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. Please email the Division of Publications to get more information.
Click here if you're looking for Boards and Commissions Oaths of Office.
Last Name | Full Name | Position Title | Oath Type | Date Sworn In |
Gilbert | Alicia Gilbert | Office of the Solicitor General, Honors Fellow | Judicial | |
Woodford | Saniel Alan Woodford | Assistant District Attorney, 30th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Hammersley | Philip Hammersley | Assistant Solicitor General | Judicial | |
Minchin | Joshua Minchin | Office of the Solicitor General, Honors Fellow | Judicial | |
Fry | Shawn C. Fry | Judge, Criminal Court, 13th Judicial District, Part III | Judicial | |
Travis | Ashleigh L. Travis | Judge, Circuit Court, 19th Judicial District, Division VI | Judicial | |
Bolton | Donna Bolton | Assistant District Public Defender, 3rd Judicial District | Judicial | |
Hall | Laurel Hall | Assistant Attorney General | Judicial | |
Williams | Cameron Booth Williams | Assistant District Attorney, 12th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Loftin | Jada Price Loftin | Assistant District Attorney, 10th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Kegarise | Kevin Kegarise | Assistant District Attorney, 22nd Judicial District | Judicial | |
Kirby | Holly Kirby | Chief Justice, Tennessee Supreme Court | Judicial | |
Behn | Aftyn Behn | Representative, 113th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Cloutier | Matthew D. Cloutier | Assistant Solicitor General | Judicial | |
Heffington | Julie Carrell Heffington | Judge, Circuit Court, 22nd Judicial District | Judicial | |
Cerisano | John Cerisano | Assistant Attorney General | Judicial | |
Kirk | Holden Gregory Kirk | Assistant District Attorney, 28th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Tune | Adam N. Tune | Assistant Attorney General | Judicial | |
Fontenot | Mia Elizabeth Fontenot | Assistant District Attorney, 26th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Good | Heather N. Good | Assistant District Attorney, 6th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Wright | Christopher Brandon Wright | Assistant District Attorney, 30th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Bartlett | Edward Neil Bartlett | Assistant District Attorney, 30th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Rice | Alanna Rice | Assistant District Attorney, 30th Judicial District | Judicial | |
Tate | Charles Tate | Assistant District Public Defender, 21st Judicial District | Judicial | |
Slaymaker | Nathan Paul Slaymaker | Assistant District Attorney, 10th Judicial District | Judicial |