Search Oaths
Every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of trust or profit under this Constitution, or any law made in pursuance thereof, shall, before entering on the duties thereof, take an oath to support the Constitution of this State, and of the United States, and an oath of office.
- Article X Section 1 of the Tennessee Constitution
Oaths for local office, such as city and county officials, are not filed with the Secretary of State. Please contact your local government for their records. Only recent Oaths of Office for state government positions have been scanned and uploaded. Older oaths may be available at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. Please email the Division of Publications to get more information.
Click here if you're looking for Boards and Commissions Oaths of Office.
Last Name | Full Name | Position Title | Oath Type | Date Sworn In |
Barrett | Joseph M. "Jody" Barrett | Representative, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Atchley | Fred A. Atchley | Representative, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Alexander | Rebecca K. Alexander | Representative, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Glass | Greg Glass | Chief Engrossing Clerk of the House of Representatives, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Trotter | Bobby Trotter | Chief Sergeant-At-Arms of the House of Representatives, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Hicks | Daniel Hicks | Assistant Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Letzler | Tammy Letzler | Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Marsh | Pat Marsh | Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Sexton | Cameron Sexton | Speaker of the House of Representatives, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Massey | Becky Duncan Massey | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Hatcher | Tom Hatcher | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Yager | Ken Yager | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Haile | Ferrell Haile | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Bowling | Janice Bowling | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Reeves | Shane Reeves | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Harshbarger | Bobby Harshbarger | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Gardenhire | Todd Gardenhire | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Hensley | Joey Hensley | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Stevens | John Stevens | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Campbell | Heidi Campbell | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Kyle | Sara Kyle | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Walley | Page Walley | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Seal | Jessie Seal | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Powers | Bill Powers | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly | |
Rose | Paul Rose | Senator, 114th General Assembly | General Assembly |